

类型: 理论
主演: 나영 해일




태미는 어려서부터 같이 자란 혁진오빠를 좋아한다. 하지만 혁진은 태미를 여자로 보기보다는 동생으로 생각한다. 어느 날 술에 취한 태미는 집까지 데려다 달라며 오빠인 혁진를 부른다.  혁진은 태미를 집에 데려다 주기 위해 차를 가지고 오고.. 자동차로 태미의 집으로 향하는 혁진. 태미는 혁진을 꼬시기 위해서 온갖 교태를 부리지만 혁진은 넘어가지 않는다.  태미는 자신의 신세한탄을 제일 친한 친구에게 하게 되지만 그녀의 친구에게는 사실 은밀한 비밀인


  • 窥情 1.0 窥情
    1984 理论
  • 爱的躯壳 6.0 爱的躯壳
    2018 理论
    简介:A transplanted American living the boho life, Charlotte Charlie Parks (Nekrasova) glides through Berlin's streets on her bike, clad in stylish items she steals from mall boutiques. Her larcenous method — using a magnet to desensitize security tags — works until it inevitably doesn't. Faced with the possibility of jail time (her I'm a victim of late capitalism defense doesn't fly with the German court), she needs to come up with the euros for a hefty fine. At the same time, she's being considered for a prestigious poetry grant, the prospect of which is more scary than thrilling for her I'll be like a real adult.
  • 竹夫人 7.0 竹夫人
    0 理论
  • 女之穴 9.0 女之穴
    2011 理论
    简介:《女之穴内裤之穴》原作是曾在1979年到1993年连载于月刊偶像杂志《BOMB!》上的由读者投稿发表的小说。时隔21年再度被搬上大银幕,女主角敲定4人女生团体“AeLL”成员筱崎爱。共演阵容包括田之上贤志、山本阳一等新生代演员。                                                                    即将开拍的第6部电影版,讲述了3名乡下的高中男生,决定在暑假告别“处男身”,从大城市独自一人搬到乡下居住的女生(筱崎爱饰),将与这3名男生上演一幕性与青春相互交织的喜剧电影。
  • 种鬼 8.0 种鬼
    0 理论
  • O的故事 9.0 O的故事
    2002 理论
    简介:O is a talented photographer in her late twenties with a promising career ahead of her. She is torn, however, between the tasks financial realities are forcing upon her and between her own artistic aims. Encouraged by her boyfriend, Rene, O decides that she should pursue her artistic passion without reservation, setting aside financial realities until she has completed her very beautiful, avant-garde book of original photos. In hopes of enabling O to focus her energies on the book, Rene introduces her to a mysterious benefactor, the wealthy and powerful Sir Stephen. What starts out as a promising arrangement, turns out to be self-destructive for O. She allows outside influences to corrupt her artistic vision, as she is drawn into a seductive world of deceit, power, and eroticism.


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